The Legendary Hero…

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is a legend who inspires us everyday. His story is known by millions and regarded. Starting from the will for freedom, to becoming ‘The Father of India’, there are innumerable struggles he had gone through.

Mahatma Gandhi was born ‘Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’ in Porbandar, Gujarat, India. He wasn’t very good at school nor at sports. The educational facilities at Porbandar were elementary, the children would write the alphabet with the dust on their fingers. He had a strong passion for self-improvement, that he even took heroes from Hindu mythology like Prahlada and Harishchandra as his idols.

Gandhi visited England and had to go to South Africa. He was exposed to racial discrimination. Even though he had bought a first-class ticket, he was thrown out of the train just because he was a black. In the further course of that journey, he was beaten up by the white driver of a stagecoach because he would not travel on the footboard to make room for a European passenger, and finally he was barred from hotels reserved “for Europeans only.”

He did not accept this injustice and wanted to defend his dignity not only as an Indian, but also as a man. He studied the conditions of the South Africans in the country and educated them about their rights. He went back to India, became a political campaigner and also founded the Natal Indian Congress.

By February 1919, the British had become really hard on the Indians. Gandhi didn’t accept this and announced a “Satyagraha movement”. By 1920, he became a known figure on the political stage. His program was the non-violent non cooperation movement. Gandhi was arrested and freed 2 years later. In March 1930, he launched the Salt March which was against a protest on the tax of salt.

Later, World War II the struggle for India reached its last phase. Soon the British power starting separating the Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi demanded a Quit India Movement. The Britishers were involved in a war with Japan, so they imprisoned the entire Congress leadership. After they were released, two new dominions were formed, India and Pakistan. After this, the British left India, leaving with the Hindu-Muslim rivalry they had caused.

Gandhi was against this, and he followed his path of non-violence. When his persuasion did not work, he went on a fast. He won at least two spectacular triumphs: in September 1947 his fasting stopped the rioting in Calcutta, and in January 1948 he shamed the city of Delhi into a communal truce.  On 30 January, Gandhi was shot down by Nathuram Godse.

So after knowing his inspirational story, what can we learn from it?

Forgiveness is nobility- Gandhi always taught people to forgive people who are harsh and commit crimes. As he always said, “Forgiveness is a trait of the strong, not the weak.”

Satyamev Jayate- This phrase means ‘Truth always wins’. Truthfulness was the most important thing for Gandhi ji. He not only preached and practiced it, but also prompted people to follow it.

Perseverance- During India’s freedom movement, the satyagraha movement proved how hard work, will power and perseverance can excel. He never gave up on what he had set out to do. This nature of Gandhi ji benefited our country greatly.

Cleanliness- He was an advocate for keeping not only our surroundings clean, but also maintaining personal hygiene. The Swachh Bharat Mission has greatly been inspired by his values.

These are a few among many values Gandhi ji instated in India. If we can follow the path of non-violence, keep our mind and body calm and stay perseverant, there is nothing that can stop us, just as Gandhi’s non-violent protests forced the British out of the country.

On the account of Gandhi Jayanti, we should pledge to follow Mahatma Gandhi’s footsteps in order to see our country prosper.

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