The Trustworthy Woodcutter…

“Truth is like the sun. You can shut it for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.”

This was rightfully quoted by Elvis Presley. Truthfulness is a quality which should be possessed by all to maintain good relations, communication and most importantly to be trustworthy. With this quality, you are considered more responsible and honest.

A truthful person always remains happy because he knows that he is pure in mind and has nothing to hide. Even if a person lies, the truth does come out someday. Even if that doesn’t happen, the guilt of lying will always eat away the person from inside.

I will be narrating a story which proves this fact-

There once lived a woodcutter, who was quite poor but an honest and happy man. One day, he was cutting wood at the banks of a river, when suddenly, his axe slipped from his hand and dropped into the fast-flowing river.

The woodcutter started crying because that was the only axe he had and couldn’t possibly afford another one. Suddenly, a beautiful goddess appears in front of him and asks, “What is troubling you, my child?”

“My axe has fallen into this river and I cannot afford another one.” cries the woodcutter. He broke into tears again. “Don’t worry, I will find your axe.” assures the goddess. After saying this, she disappears. After a few minutes, she reappears. “Is this your axe?” she enquires. She had an axe made of gold resting on her arms. “No, this isn’t my axe.” says the woodcutter.

The goddess disappears again. She came back with an axe made up of pure silver. “Is this your axe, woodcutter?” she asks. “No, this isn’t my axe either.” The goddess vanishes one more time and comes back with a simple wooden axe.

“Is this wooden axe yours, my child?” enquires the goddess. “Yes! Thank you kind Goddess.” exclaims the woodcutter. “I will never forget this kind action of yours.” The goddess smiles. “I have one more thing for you.” She vanished and came back with the golden and silver axe. “This is my gift for your truthfulness.”

The woodcutter accepts this gift joyfully and sells these axes. He earns a lot of money from selling these and becomes rich. This woodcutter also had a a rich elder brother, who got to know of his little brother’s increased economic status.

When he asked him about the money, the little brother told him the entire truth because of his honesty and trustworthy nature. The brother owned a huge mansion and owned a huge acres of land and lots of money, but still he decided to go to the river and get the golden and silver axe.

The next day, the elder brother went back to the banks of the river and dropped a wooden axe into the river intentionally. He started crying just like the woodcutter, but he faked it. Suddenly, the goddess of the river appeared. “What seems to the problem, my child?” asked the goddess. “I dropped my axe into the river and I cannot afford another one.” he cried.

The goddess vanished into thin air and came back with an axe made up of gold. “Is this your axe?” enquired the goddess. The woodcutter’s brother looked at the golden axe in the goddess’ arms and became greedy. “Yes, this is my axe! Thank you for getting it.”

“Are you sure this is your axe?” questioned the goddess. “Yes, this is my axe! Please give it to me quickly.” he said. “Liar! You think that you can fool me?” screamed the goddess.” Now you will pay for this!” After saying this, the goddess, made all his valuable possessions vanish and he ended up being poor.

The elder brother, who was once rich, lost all his property and money because he lied and was greedy. On the other hand, the younger brother, who once lived in poverty, became rich just because he was truthful.

In conclusion, we should become a trustworthy person. If everyone becomes truthful, it can end major problems in the world such as corruption.

I hope you liked my blog.

Catch you on my next one!

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